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Upon subscription, when will my credit/debit card get charged?

Amway MSB Helpdesk
Amway MSB Helpdesk

If you have selected a processing date which is after the date you subscribed, the system will charge your card on the following day (in the morning). If you have selected a processing date before the day you subscribed, the payment will only go through the following day (in the morning) on your selected processing date.

Example 1: Today is the 5th of the month and you subscribed to an ALP plan, and you have selected your preferred processing date to be the 5th of every month. Your first payment will be processed on the 6th, early in the morning. Payments for the following months will continue to be processed on the 6th of every month.

Example 2: Today is the 5th of the month and you subscribed to an ALP plan, and you have selected your preferred processing date to be the 4th of every month. Your first payment will be processed on the 6th, early in the morning. Payments for the following months will continue to be processed on the 5th of every month.

Example 3: Today is the 5th of the month and you subscribed to an ALP plan, and you’ve selected your preferred processing date to be the 10th of every month. Your first payment will only be processed on the 11th, early in the morning. Payments for the following months will continue to be processed on the 11th of every month.


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