To check your downline's new sign-up eCoupon status, please follow the steps below
Step 1: Go to Amway's website.
Login to the website by clicking on the profile icon in the top right corner.
Step 2: Click on the Menu icon.
Step 3: Select Business Centre.
Step 4: Click on the Mobile Business Dashboard.
Step 5: Select New Sign Up Coupon Reminder.
Step 6: This report enables the upline to track downline coupons expiring in the current month and reminds downlines to use them before they expire. Additionally, with consent, the upline can assist in using the downline's coupons as well.
a. Search bar and filter option.
b. Number of ABOs/APCs downline with coupon(s) that are expiring in the current month.
c. Downline (ABO/APC) details.
d. Click to view all available coupon(s) details.
e. Request consent to use downline's coupon on behalf.
f. Coupon details.