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How to cancel an order (Within 1 Hour of Order Placement)

Amway MSB Helpdesk
Amway MSB Helpdesk
  • Updated

Step 1: Go to Amway's website.

Malaysia: https://www.amway.my

Singapore: https://www.amway.sg

Brunei: https://www.amway.com.bn

Login to the website by clicking on the login icon in the top right corner.

Step 2: Select Order History.

Step 3: Search for the specific order under the Processing tab, Select the order.

**Only order(s) within the Processing tab can be cancelled.

Step 4: Refer to the below description.

a) Select the cancel button.

b) Select the cancellation reason from the dropdown list.

c) Enter the cancellation description.

d) Accept the Terms & Conditions.

e) Click the Proceed To Cancel button.


Step :5 An email notification will be sent after the order has been successfully cancelled.



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