Step 1: Go to Amway's website.
Login to the website by clicking on the login icon in the top right corner.
Step 2: Select My ALP.
Step 3: Select the Profile.
Step 4: In the ALP profile details page, below are information regarding the subscription. Select to view subscription in 1 or 6 months layout.
1 Month view
a) Select month and year to view in 1 month layout.
b) Click to edit Process Day, Payment or Delivery Address for the upcoming ALP subscription order(s).
c) Product(s) that subscribed in this profile.
d) Click to edit subscription Start month or Auto-Renew Subscription for the selected product.
e) Current cycle information for the subscription.
f) Click to enter order number placed with regular promotion to postpone ALP subscription for the selected product. - This functionality is available for Malaysia & Brunei only.
(Postpone button is only available when your subscription hasn't process for the current month.)
g) Cancel ALP subscription for the selected product.
h) ALP order details that created for the selected month.
6 Month view
a) Product(s) that subscribed in this profile.
b) Click to edit subscription Start month or Auto-Renew Subscription for the selected product.
c) View overall subscription progress.
d) Current cycle information for the subscription.
e) Cancel ALP subscription for the selected product.
f) All ALP orders that has been created so far for this profile.