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How to view my eCoupons & Credit vouchers

Amway MSB Helpdesk
Amway MSB Helpdesk
  • Updated

To view your eCoupon & Credit vouchers, please follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Go to Amway's website.

    Malaysia: https://www.amway.my
    Brunei: https://www.amway.com.bn

    Log in to the website by clicking on the profile icon in the top right corner.

    Step 2: Click on the profile icon and Select My Account.

    Step 3: Click on Payment Management and select Coupons & Voucher Management.

    Step 4: All your eCoupons will display as shown below.

    i) To view credit vouchers, Click Credit Vouchers.

    ii) Detailed information about your credit vouchers will be displayed, including expiry dates and you may click on (+) to view usage history.

  • To view your eCoupon & Credit vouchers, please follow the steps below:

    Step 1: Go to Amway's website.

    Singapore: https://www.amway.sg

    Log in to the website by clicking on the profile icon in the top right corner.

    Step 2: Click on the profile icon and Select My Account.

    Step 3: Click on Payment Management and select Coupons & Voucher Management.

    Step 4: All your eCoupons will display as shown below.

    i) To view credit vouchers, Click Credit Vouchers.

    ii) Detailed information about your credit vouchers will be displayed, including expiry dates and you may click on (+) to view usage history.

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